• What is Pathfinder?

    So you want to be a Pathfinder? Then step right in to a world beset by powerful magics and dastardly evils as you adventure through Golarion, forging your own path and making a name for yourself.

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  • What is Organized Play

    Pathfinder Society Organized Play is a worldwide fantasy roleplaying campaign that puts YOU in the role of an agent of the Pathfinder Society, a legendary league of explorers, archaeologists, and adventurers...

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Sunday 31 August 2014

Leading up to the Year of the Sky Key

With the conclusion of GenCon 2014, the start of a new series of scenarios and games is about to begin. With the wrapping up of the numerous demon-slaying adventures and trips to the Worldwound in last years Year of the Demon overarching theme, be ready to enter a whole new land and explore the technologically advanced Numeria in Season 6 of Pathfinder Organized Play -  the Year of the Sky Key.

For those new to Pathfinder, let me start with a brief recap in the lore behind what has progressed since Season 1, leading up to the changes and events in the Year of the Sky Key. This post does include minor SPOILERS, but I'll try to be as vague as possible so not to really kill any plot points.

The Starstone Cathedral in Absalom

Season 1 showed the humble beginnings of the Pathfinder Society, with the sending of agents on missions to gain allies or magical artifacts in an attempt to bolster the power and popularity of the Pathfinder Society under the orders of their shadowy leaders, the Decemvirate.

Season 2, Year of the Shadow Lodge begins with the introduction of an overarching antagonist to the fray - the secret and hidden Shadow Lodge. Believed previously to be a non-existent lodge, the Pathfinders are hellbent on finding out the Shadow Lodge's objectives and figure out how to deal with the rising threat. Eventually, they chance upon the Shadow Lodge's leader, a person known as the Spider, operating out of Almas. After putting a stop to the Spider's plans to discredit and shame the Pathfinder Society, they later uncover a hidden plot to assassinate the true leader of the Shadow Lodge. In a race against time, the Pathfinders rescue the true leader of the Shadow Lodge, who declares a truce with the Decemvirate and joins the Pathfinder Society.

Year of the Ruby Phoenix picks off where Season 2 left off, offering five new factions for play, including the Shadow Lodge, Lantern Lodge and Sczarni. In this season, Pathfinders learn about a powerful artifact owned by a Gokan sorcerer Hao Jin, and seek to win it through a competition called the Ruby Phoenix Tournament. The Pathfinders eventually reign victorious, even with interference from their rivals, the Aspis Consortium and the Tien Golden League. The Pathfinders gain an ancient artifact known as the Hao Jin Tapestry, which is in fact the entrance to a demiplane filled with wonders and treasures stored by Hao Jin over the years. While exploring the demiplane, they find out that the Aspis Consortium has somehow found a backdoor into the tapestry and stealing the treasures within. Much time and effort is spent closing the Aspis Consortium's portals and eliminating them to reclaim their prize.

Kaer Maga, one of the most intriguing cities in Varisia

Year of the Risen Rune is marked by the finding a a Runecarved Key in the Varisian Gulf near Magnimar. Without knowing what it was, it was auctioned off but promptly stolen by cultist of the goddess Lissala. Pathfinders were sent to recover the key, managing to capture one of the cultists and gleaned information into their motives in the process. After disrupting the cultists' activities, Pathfinders find out their true plan - the revival the Runelord Krune, one of the seven wizard kings of past. In an attempt to stop the destruction of Golarion at the hands of the Runelord, the Pathfinders locate him and  eventually destroy Runelord Krune in an epic battle. In the meantime, Amara Li the leader of the Lantern Lodge manages to form an alliance with the Way of the Kirin and with the help of the Pathfinder Society, deals with the Golden League and Aspis threat in Goka once and for all. The Latern Lodge sets up a true Lodge in Goka, and leaves the Pathfinder Society. The Spider is also revealed to be alive, and with knowledge of the identities of the members of the Decemvirate, seeks revenge on the Pathfinder Society. The Shadow Lodge eventually deals with her and in a tale of betrayal and deceit, the Shadow Lodge falls together with the death of the Spider. These two story arcs end the existence of the Shadow and Lantern Lodge in the Pathfinder Society. In the meantime, the location of the Jormurdun is discovered in the land formerly known as Sarkoris, located to the northwest of the Worldwound.

Battle against a Vrock in the Worldwound

The Year of the Demon explores the demon infested wastes known as the Worldwound as the Pathfinders seek to secure entry to Jormurdun. With the assistance of Queen Galfrey of Mendev in Nerosyan, Pathfinders slowly aid in Mendev's crusade on the Worldwound and advance into the fray. In the meantime, the Osirian faction led by the Sapphire Sage Amenopheus finds out about the possible existence of other Jeweled Sages, whom were previously believed to be deceased.

What other wonders await in Numeria with this year's season update

Finally this all culminates in the Year of the Sky Key, where the Pathfinder Society is posed to march to Jormurdun. However, several of their enemies are set to claim the prize first! The Pathfinder Society is also set to explore other regions of Golarion in line with this season's meta-plot to explore the technologically advanced Numeria as well as revisit some old favourites like Qadira, Katapesh, Tian Xia and the Mwangi Expanse.

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Pathfinder's Unite! Where To Play Pathfinder!

Hello everyone and welcome to our little lodge here on the web.

In the past couple of years, we've grown from a group of geeks into a very respectable Pathfinder community, organizing multiple conventions a year, and hosting a variety of game-days throughout the country.

We'd like to celebrate the birthday of our new fancy-schmancy website! An online repository of everything Pathfinder in the region. With weekly articles on Pathfinder and the roleplaying scene in Singapore, we hope to be your one-stop information source for anything Pathfinder in the region.

Many new to Roleplaying might find it hard to get into the hobby, fret not! We're a friendly bunch, and always on the look out for new players, new GMs or new hobby shops open to letting us run games and being part of the whole scene. Feel free to drop any of our friendly Venture Officers an email if you're interested in playing, or pop by during one of our gaming sessions to check out whats going on! Here are a couple of places that run regular Pathfinder game days!

1. Games Garage 
#07-08, Blk 67 Oxley Bizhub 1, 1 Ubi Road. (Next to Tai Seng MRT)
Prices : $50/monthly unlimited, hourly rates, or day pass. Free access to book and board / card game library. Pathfinder Game Days : Tue is Pathfinder Day, but there are ad hoc games pretty much all the time.

Games Garage (GG) is one of our favorite places to game. Awesome people, awesome location, and awesome games available nearly 24/7! Games Garage is primarily a game club with a ridiculously large games library of almost any analogue game you want to play. BK, the resident GG Guardian, is knowledgeable regarding almost any game available!

The folks at GG including their staff and management are all avid PFS players and supporters, and games are run all the time, both scheduled and ad-hoc. They are so supportive of PFS that all players are entitled to 1 free reroll per game if they are sporting their GG T-shirt! (VC sanctioned!)
Besides Pathfinder, the folks at GG also have dedicated gaming nights to other RPGs and tabletop games like Vampire: the Masquerade, Dragonlance, Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, Malifaux, Warhammer 40k, Warmachine/Hordes, Dystopian Wars, Uncharted seas, Firestorm Armada and more. The list is endless; almost everything under the sun!

*Gym, Pool, Showering facilities, lockers and display spaces are also available.

And if you're nocturnal (aka burn in sunlight), overnight gaming is also available.

**Whilst paying membership cost might be seen as a hefty investment, you also get access to GG's book library which basically consists of every Pathfinder source book available, never worry about being audited for source books at GG's as you're allowed to use the house books as a resource when playing at GG
Funan Digital Mall, 5th Floor,  109 North Bridge Road
Prices: FREE
Pathfinder Game Days : Friday 7pm - 11pm (we finish in time for last train home!)

Battle Bunker is one of the more renowned gaming shops in Singapore, situated conveniently near City Hall MRT station in Funan Digital Life Mall. As an official Paizo distributor in Singapore, Battle Bunker carries most of the Pathfinder books and games, including the adventure card game.

We run Pathfinder games on Fridays, and usually have 2 tables, a higher and lower tier table. You can find our gaming schedule over on our warhorn page through the links in the menu bar. Feel free to sign up for a low level game, we highly recommend sign ups as games tend to be oversubscribed and fill up fast!

Besides Pathfinder, you can also purchase an array of other board / card / miniature games and even Lego sets at BB. BB also boasts a very active X-Wing gaming circle, something that many of our fellow Pathfinders have picked up when they are off duty.

*As BB is primarily a retail space, do remember to bring your own source books / pdfs. If audited, you are required to show proof of source book ownership as per regulations in the Organized Play Guide. We will need to enforce you purchasing said source book at BB, or be unable to use the ability or item during your game, as we need to be fair to BB for graciously letting us use their space.

3. Summoners
 #02-17 Cuppage Plaza, 5 Koek Road (Next to Centrepoint)
Prices: FREE
Pathfinder Game Days: Friday 7pm - 11pm

Summoners is one of the newest gaming locations to join our line up. Originally a card game retail store, we've recently seen an influx of players that cross between both the TCG and tabletop cliques and so decided to host regular games at this location.

Located right smack in town, and near our favourite Ramen shop (SANTOUKA!), Summoners might be small, but the cosy atmosphere and friendly clientele make this a viable option for games. They also host Magic the Gathering and other anime card game nights throughout the week for those interested.

4. Kampong Kembangan Community Club
5 Lengkong Tiga
Prices: FREE (PAssioncard required, free trial available upon contact)
Pathfinder Game Days: Saturday 2pm - 6pm

Tagging alongside one of the interest groups at Kampong Kembangan, we've established one of our first heartland gaming locations. We're currently in the midst of setting up dedicated game days at this location.

5. Australian International School
1 Lorong Chuan
Prices $2 a game (Free for AIS club members)
Pathfinder Game Days : Saturdays 9am - 1pm (check their Warhorn for Schedule)

The Australian International School is the only school to boast a Pathfinder club, run by Venture Lieutenant Adriaan van Wijk. Games are held weekly on Saturdays for the Pathfinder club, but are open for public to join in if they wish.

Held in some of the classrooms on the 2nd floor, AIS has all the conveniences for a great gaming location, including ample parking for those that drive! AIS is also the venue for SMITECON, a Pathfinder Convention run twice a year, with the next one being on the 4th to 6th of October 2014. Find out more details soon on this upcoming convention by checking back with us!

Online Only! Used in conjunction with Skype for communication.
Prices : FREE
Pathfinder Game Days : Practically anytime from the comforts of your own home.

Too busy or live so far away in places that birds don't lay their eggs (apparently where I stay according to some of my fellow Pathfinders)? Not to worry, with Roll 20, you can play from the comforts of your own home!

Some of our Game Masters regularly run games via Roll 20, however this is advised for more advance players and there's no one to hold your hand or guide you through play and the user interface can be daunting for players who are totally new to PFS. We suggest you pop in to one of our face to face games to get a hold of the basics first!

If you're interested, do leave us a message on our Facebook and we'll see when we can slot you in for a game!

These are the regular locations that we host games, although there are other ad-hoc games run throughout the week, the best way to keep in the loop is to check out our Warhorn in the menu bar above under game Schedules where we highly recommend reserving a slot as some of our game days tend to be over subscribed! Also remember to follow us on facebook, or request for an invite to our private Singapore whatsapp chat to get the latest on all gaming schedules!