Con Etiquette - Don't be that guy

Posted by simone on 00:43 with No comments
"You're the reason the party failed."

Someone once said that to me after a game, because as the only arcane spell caster in the group, I didn't take the usual party spells in my repertoire. I was very upset and insulted by this person's accusations, partially because he wasn't even in my game to begin with. Secondly, the party survived and we did alright and my spell selection wouldn't have changed the outcome of the scenario and thirdly, I wasn't playing an optimized character and I had actual role playing reasons for my spell selection.

If I had been a bit younger, a bit more hot-headed and a bit less thick-skinned, I'd have yelled at him, yelled at my VC for 'endorsing' such a caustic Pathfinder environment and then promptly stopped playing PFS altogether. Lucky that this said player was someone whom I've gamed with on multiple occasions, and we're known to give each other a hard time, so no skin off either of our backs. However, had this been a new player, being told they are doing it wrong will most likely turn them off the hobby.

Unfortunately, there is a gamer stereotype that tabletop rpg players are dirty, basement-dwelling, obese freaks of nature with zero social skills and the want to escape into a fantasy world to deal with their real life issues. Yeah it's totally unfair, but when players get comments about how their build sucks, how their damage is pathetic, how their spell selection is stupid... it does nothing to help change this stereotype, nor does it attract new players.

With the upcoming convention, here are some vitals points to remember!

Deodorize heavily.

It's Singapore, you'll sweat, and as I assume all of us shower every day (or twice!) at least, please remember to deodorize heavily especially if you'll be taking public transport in the hot sun. You'll be meeting new friends from all walks of life, and making a good first impression and turning away from the greasy nerd stereotype can't harm you.

Besides, people that like you more, tend to be nicer, and if you're short of 2pp for that vital raise dead... better hope your friends like you.

Encourage not police.

Having a pure fluff character that cannot hold his own in combat is going to be brutal, especially in some of the scenarios where every move and character present is essential. Most of the time, it could be that the player him or herself doesn't know their class well enough, and thus are making sub-optimal choices (e.g. memorizing cure spells on a cleric when they can spontaneously convert cure spells). At a con, you're going to meet random players you never played before, and their sub-part tactics might end up leading to a party death...

Instead of "you're stupid" or "you're doing it wrong", try asking them to explain their spell selection. They might have a valid reason you're unaware of, or perhaps genuinely didn't know the mechanics due to it being a new class.

Don't be the roleplay - dictator.

We're all there to play together and have fun. Do avoid making decisions for other players. Everyone is there to play, and no one likes a dictator. We have a player in our group who loves doing this, and every time he disagrees with what a person wants to do, he'll immediately say "No! Don't do that, you will get us all killed. Do this instead" and then go on a whole speech about what the rest of the party is going to do.

That's when I look straight at my GM, ignore the said player and just do what I originally wanted to do anyway. There's a difference between offering tactically sound advice and being a dictator. Generally a kind "if you walk that way you will provoke AoO, why not go this way instead?" or a "I'd like to cast colour spray next round, can you 5 foot to the left instead?" is more effective than "No. If you move there you will die."

Be prepared!

Games at conventions have a strict time schedule, so during combat and roleplay, it is imperative you have all your information and materials at your finger tips. Make sure your character sheets are updated, and bring pdfs of your books, or photocopy / book mark items and feats that are seem less frequently so you have the information should your GM request a reference.

When it's your turn at combat, try and plan early or pull out whatever references you need to do before your turn. If you are stumped, delaying until the situation is more advantageous is always a good decision on a tactical level and also will not delay the game.

Don't be THAT GUY.

Each player has their own ideas, and PFS is supposed to be a cooperative one. Respect their space, both in terms of actual physical surrounding as well as metaphorically in terms of how they control their characters. Not everyone will agree with you, and conflict is present in real-world situations, why not in Golarion too? Instead of yelling about it, learn to let go, and sometimes you'll find out that the ride is that much more enjoyable.

BONUS! Convention Checklist!

  • Updated character sheets with chronicles attached
  • PDF or book references.
  • Miniatures (don't forget tokens too if you have animal companions or use spells that require tracking like dancing blade / flame orb etc.)
  • Writing implements and a note book  to take down notes, or jot down spells or important quest objectives (also good to take down the phone number of that cute girl at the registration booth)
  • Water bottles to keep hydrated!
  • Munchies! Do bring snacks you can share and are clean and won't leave a mess!
  • Wet wipes / tissue for after your snacks so you don't leave grimy fingerprints everywhere
  • Breath mints. Nuff said.
  • Deodorant / Antiperspirant. Nuff said.
  • A jacket in case it gets cold

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